Wireless Communication

Wireless Communication

There are various types of wireless communication, and an ever-growing number of types of wireless technologies in the market, people look for getting cellular 5G, and 5GHz WiFi. However, we prepare an overview of the different types of wireless technologies. There are the types of wireless communication we are using, to make it a bit easier for you to understand.

  • It involves the transmission of information over a distance without the help of wires, or cables.
  • It connects and communicates between two or more devices using a wireless signal through wireless communication technologies and devices.


  The evolution of wireless has brought various advancements with its effective features.

  • The transmission distance varies between a few meters (e.g a television’s remote) and thousands of kilometers (e.g radio).
  • Wireless communication is for cellular phone calls, wireless access to the internet, wireless home networking, and many more.
  • Radio wireless technology includes GPS networking, door openers of shops or garages, computer mice, headsets, headphones, and radio receivers.
  • Other examples are satellite television, broadcast television, and cordless-cableless telephones.
  • “Wireless” is a casual name for all of us. Not all kinds of wireless are equal, however, and not all in the same applications. 
  • You may be familiar with some of them. i.e radio and television broadcasting, radar communication, WiFi, Bluetooth, and radio frequency identification.
  • Today, we focus on the types of wireless technologies that we are using in applications of information technology.

Types of Wireless Networks

  • Local Area Network (LAN) 
  • Wide Area Network (WAN)

Local Area Network (LAN):

It is for local purposes only. e.g Internal office network or network of home devices (computers, game consoles, mobile phones from a local area network).

Wide Area Network (WAN):

 It is a type of network extending over a larger area. In the case of the Internet, wires are used to move the bulk of the data traveling around the network. It is because they are generally very fast and more reliable as well as less susceptible to interference. However, with the evolution of the modern smartphone, and tablets, more users connect to the Internet wirelessly using cellular data. This is very different from WiFi, and still confuses many of the less tech-savvy users.

Types of Wireless Networks in Cellular Communication

We mostly refer to a mobile phone/smartphone or a sim card, or a laptop computer to facilitate internet access. Cellular communication mainly uses radio waves of specific frequency for data and voice transmission.


3G is the third generation of cellular wireless telecommunication technology. It is mainly in mobile phones/smartphones, and tablets.


4G is for the fourth generation of cellular telecommunication technologies, up to about ten times faster than 3G.


LTE stands for Long Term Evolution. It is technically not 4G. Still, the performance of both 4G and LTE is comparable in everyday scenarios where coverage is not an issue.


5G is the fifth-generation technology mainly for cellular networking, providing bandwidth (speed) improvements to cellular wireless networks.

Advantages of wireless communication

Wireless communication involves the transfer of information where no physical connection is there. Due to the absence of physical types of equipment, wireless communication has certain advantages. However, wireless communication has various advantages, the most important ones are discussed below −


Wireless technology helps easy accessibility in remote areas. The areas where ground lines can’t properly lay are easily connected to the network.

e.g However, In rural areas, online education is now possible. Educators have no need to travel to far areas to teach their lessons. Thanks to the live stream of their educational modules.


Wired communication comprises the use of connection wires. In wireless networks, communication does not require any physical infrastructure or maintenance practices. Hence the cost is automatically reduced.

e.g Wireless communication services do not conclude a lot of costs, and it is able to charge cheaply. 


Wireless devices like mobile phones are quite simple and allow anyone to use them, wherever they are. There is no need to physically connect anything in order to receive or pass any message.

e.g Wireless services can be seen in Internet technologies such as Wi-Fi. With no network cables, we can now connect with almost anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Constant connectivity:

It ensures that people respond to emergencies relatively more quickly than other applications.

e.g: A wireless mobile can ensure us constant connectivity while we travel, whereas a wired landline can’t.


Moreover, wireless communication enables people to communicate. It is not necessary to be in an office or some telephone booth in order to send and receive messages.


Improvements can be seen in speed. The network connectivity and accessibility are improving in accuracy and also in speed.

e.g: A wireless remote can operate a system faster than a wired one. The wireless control of a machine can easily stop it from working if something goes wrong. 


TriColor Initiatives believes that wireless has the opportunity to solve a whole bunch of problems. However, technology gives us power as we can instantly communicate across the world. Here we are using WiFi, 4G/LTE Networks, using Bluetooth devices. We as a member of TCI knows the importance of wireless communication.

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