Trust but Verify

Trust but Verify

Trust is good but too much trust can depress you and suppress others. By trusting people, we are giving them authority to show and share concerns, habits, interests, values, duties, and empathy. We can trust a person, process, team, and whole organization also. But excess of everything is bad, if there is too much trust without verification, anyone will have the right to hurt your interests, values, culture, and work.


Trust is the glue of life. It’s the essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships explicitly. Trust is built with consistency, concern, and commitment. 

  • In almost every profession – law or journalism, finance, technology, medicine, academics, running a small or large business – people rely on confidential communications to do their jobs. 
  • We count on the void and space of trust that confidentiality provides. 
  • When someone breaches any person’s confidence and trust, we are all worse off for it.


Trust has to be gained; it isn’t given freely to anyone who requests it. It takes time to earn trust and build it but can be lost in seconds. It can be verified spontaneously in person, with teams, clients, businesses, and national – international organizations. 

Confidence and sincerity are two factors that matter in the verification of trust.

Importance of Trust in life

  1. Functionality   
  2. Efficiency  
  3. Confidence  
  4. Commitment  
  5. Consistency  
  6. Reliability  
  7. Validity
  8. Integrity
  9. Unity
  10. Jovian


To effective functioning in an organization, a leader must earn the trust of his or her constituents to ensure their participation and allegiance.


The dynamics of trust and how efficiently it works, are delicate in important relationships, and the loss of trust can be costly not only psychologically, but also financially and in terms of work and livelihood.


Confidence is central to building trust. If you think a person is not capable of doing what he is supposed to do, you cannot trust him. Even when a person has a good heart and good intentions, we like them personally, they cannot win our trust if they’re not capable of doing what they promise.


Commitment is necessary while building trust. But it is hard to believe someone who says they want to listen but does not give anyone a chance to speak. People may think they can hide their true feelings, contradictions, and thoughts, but others can quickly detect a lack of sincerity. That’s when trust is eroded.


To build or rebuild trust, consistency is a must. A leader must open the conversation about the degree to which each quality is present and is open to hearing what others feel, observe and need. Also, the leader needs to trust others in order to begin this process.


A person who is true to their words and fulfills their commitments encourages trust but verify becomes more reliable.


Trust cannot grow where it’s all about one person or in a specific workplace where all the energy is focused on the company or any special leader. The validity of trust should renew from time to time.


People are eager to know about unknown things and tend to assume the worst when they’re not informed about a specific development. Whenever management meets in secret or does not share important information with team members, they can easily become distrustful. While on the other hand, when people share their thoughts, feelings, and considerations, they stand, trust can flourish, and integrity can be maintained successfully.


People can usually sense when someone says something that is not aligned with what they feel and unity is destroyed. To maintain unity trust can be cultivated, earned, and sincerity can be established.

Jovian (Happiness)

Trust is a two-way street where happiness belongs, built by the behavior of each person in the specific relationship, leadership, and organization. The best proof of happiness is trust.


When people honor and respect each other, there is trust but verify that is established which leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect. Both parties i.e. People, teams, clients, and organizations make decisions and choices based on what is right, what is best, and what is valued most highly so that there is the best way to achieve goals that lead to success. In TriColor Initiatives Trust but Verify is our core value, every person significantly follows the core values of the organization, and the path is therefore leading to confined growth and sustainable development.

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