Cybersecurity is the practice of defending internet-connected systems software, hardware, and electronic data from damage. This practice of protection is used by individuals and enterprises to protect against unauthorized access.
Cybersecurity is one of the remarkable challenges in the modern world, because of complex information systems. Strong cyber security can provide a better security posture against attacks designed to access, delete, or destroy users’ sensitive data. Cybersecurity is also instrumental in preventing the attacks that are worn to disrupt a system’s operations.
Why is Cybersecurity so important?
The importance of cybersecurity continues to grow with the increase in the number of users and devices in modern enterprises. There is a flood of sensitive or confidential data in this complicated world. The problem even becomes complex due to the increase in volume and sophistication of cyber attack techniques. The attackers have different methods of attack for different technologies and systems.
Cybercriminals can use AI to conduct their attacks because it allows them to get the nuances of a user’s behavior by analyzing their emails. AI attacks are more powerful and are able to launch at a large scale. They will target unsuspicious victims through social media to conduct their attacks and gather personal information. It can be very harmful to any company to defend against them.
What are the Elements of Cybersecurity?
- Application security
- Information security
- Disaster Recovery Planning
- Operational Security
Application Security:
Application security includes security measures at the application level to prevent and defend against cyber attacks. It is the process of testing security features within applications to prevent unauthorized access and modification. Hardware and software may be take in the application security to identify and mitigate security risks. Hardware application security has a router that stops viewing the computer’s IP address over the internet. An application Firewall is integrated into the software. This software allows or banns the actions. Application security tools can make the software development process much easier and more efficient. Moreover, they can save time by detecting issues.
Information security:
Information security is not only about securing information from unauthorized access but also preventing sensitive information from modification, recording, and inspection. It also ensures the safety and privacy of financial data and intellectual property.
Basically, there are three principles of information security.
- Confidentiality
- Availability
- Integrity
Disaster Recovery Planning:
A Disaster Recovery Plan is a formal document turn by an organization. It ensures businesses solve critical events that solve their activities. The events can be natural disasters or cyber-attacks. This document generally analyzes all the processes and priorities according to the importance of the business which should be recovered first.
Operational Security:
Operational Security is a security and risk management that classifies the information and prevents it from getting into the wrong hands. Moreover, it encourages security managers to view their operations and projects by identifying the weakness of attackers. An organization can complete its regular risk assessment by identifying vulnerabilities. However, managers can spot missed vulnerabilities and implement the right operational security processes to protect information.
Types of Cyber Threats:
- Malware
- Adware
- Trojans
- Botnets
Malware is malicious software that blocks access to computer resources and disrupts the system. It transmits information from your data storage.
Adware is a form of malware. It is software that supports advertisements. Adware is a potentially unwanted program. It generates unwanted online advertisements without your permission.
A trojan creates a backdoor in your system that allows access to cyber criminals.
Botnets involve large-scale cyberattacks that are controlled by remotely controlled malware-infected devices. Basically, it works as a string of computers that are controlled by a coordinating cybercriminal.
How to manage cyber security?
- By maintaining the latest version of your software.
- By using anti-virus software and a firewall.
- By using a strong password and a password management tool.
- By understanding phishing scams.
Advantages of cyber security:
- Protection from identity theft and customer data loss.
- Protection against financial loss.
- Protection of privacy
- It protects us from hacks and viruses.
Disadvantages of cyber security:
- Require special expertise to use it properly
- System becomes slow
- It takes time to fix a breach in security.
- Lack of knowledge
- It is expensive, and everyone can’t afford it.